“The South” is the second part of the bilogy “Shoots from Abyssinia”. They both arise from the director´s wish for a vital initiatory trip for their children. In the first film, Abdul, along with his father and the guide História da Etiopia, of Pedro Páez, immerses in the origins of his homeland focusing on the northern half of Ethiopia; in this second film, the younger brother, Abdi, makes the personal trip seeking for his biological roots. Guided by the elder brother, they deepen into the Gurage culture, the ethnicity of their ancestors, their own culture. This second trip, without doubt, is the complement that allows us to know this huge and young country in terms of landscapes and people.



A serie documental pretende por en valor, mostrar e demostrar que a súa terra, Etiopía, está lonxe de tipos e estereotipos que se asentaron durante moito, demasiado tempo, no descoñecemento, na xeneralización e nos prexuízos das xentes de Europa sobre o grande e variado continente que é África. Mostrar as particularidades de cada país africano, de cada nación, de cada etnia, e por de manifesto a inmensa variedade agochada tras dun nome. Pero se o basto e amplo continente africano é descoñecido, Etiopía alcanza un maior grado se cabe, nese descoñecemento.

E hoxe, despois dun éxodo encuberto e silencioso de meniños que atoparon familia en Europa e América, é necesario que se sintan orgullosos da terra que os veu nacer. Non está na nosa man decirlo, pero se conseguimos alcanzar minimamente ese obxectivo, o traballo pagou a pena.





Footage           98 min.

Format:           H264 1080p HD.

Starring:         Abdi Fernández Fondevila

                            Abdul Fernández Fondevila

 Executive producer and tutelage in Ethiopia

                            Catarina Fernández Fondevila

Executive producer in Spain

                             Marcos Fernández Fondevila

Screenplay, director of photography, editor, director:

                             Ovidio Fernández Sánchez


                          "Addis Addis" composed and

                           performed by José Nine.

                           Songs and dance of Dorzers.

                           Songs and dance of Hammers in Turmi.

                           "Danakil" and "Djibouti railway"

                            composed and performed Manolo


                             "Vida sen pipa" performed by Sumrrá

                             (Xacobe M. Antelo).

                             "Inferno" composed and performed by

                             LAR Legido.


Driver and guide


Ethiopian family

                               Fikere, Adey, Kidest and Diky


To the stationmaster of Addis Abbeba, who opened the doors of his big world.

To Elías, we would have never found the Ethiopian elephants without him.


                                Thanks to every ethnic group of Ethiopia and its people, specially to those millions of children we met, giving us the most precious present:

their smile.